Saturday, March 31, 2012

Community Easter Egg Hunt has been postponed.

Due to the rain this morning and uncertain forecast for later in the day, the community Easter Egg Hunt has been postponed until tomorrow, April 1st, at 2PM.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Community Easter Egg Hunt Details

Don't forget that the annual community Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 31st @ 2PM.

If it rains on Saturday, then it will be held on Sunday, April 1st @ 2PM instead.

Because the clubhouse is currently under construction, the Easter Egg Hunt will be held at 760 Cedar Hill Lane.

For each child that you will be bringing to participate in the Easter Egg Hunt, please drop off one dozen filled plastic eggs at 760 Cedar Hill Lane on or before Friday, March 30th. There will be an Easter bucket on the front porch for the eggs. Please fill out the information below and include that with your eggs.

We're also going to have snacks this year after the Easter Egg Hunt. If you would like to participate in these extra festivities, please bring a kid-friendly snack that we can enjoy together after the eggs have been found. Drinks will be provided.

Flyers have been placed in your paper boxes. If you did not receive a flyer, you can download it here or simply print the form below.

If you have any questions, please send an email to Ron at

Be sure to sign up to receive email updates (to the right) to make sure you don't miss out on future information.
Clarendon Estates Easter Egg Hunt RSVP Form

Yes! Our family will be attending!

Family name: ______________________________________________________

Number of children participating in the Easter Egg Hunt: ___________________

Will you be staying for snacks?  Yes  /  No

Andrea Thomas will be taking photos to include on the community website. She will also make these photos available for download by parents. 

Please select one of the following options:

____ Yes, you may use images of my family on the website and make them available for me to download.

____ No, please do not include any images of my family on the website.

Signed ____________________________________________________________

Friday, March 9, 2012

Clarendon Yearly Expenses

You can now view the Clarendon Yearly Expenses for 2009, 2010 and 2011 on the Community Information page or by clicking here.